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Our Mission is to move adults and families who can't yet afford stable housing into self-sufficiency by utilizing transitional housing, high accountability, education and goal setting led by a family-like, faith-based team of staff and volunteers.


During 2019, volunteer service coordinators at SunRise Church began to walk alongside hurting and unsheltered individuals and families. They quickly discovered that the greatest need for the people they served was transitional housing. There were no organizations in St. Charles County dedicated solely to transitional housing for adults and families over age 21. In addition, the waiting list for section 8 was months, even years.


The Grace Period was born out of this gap, and provides expense-free, transitional living and case management for these hurting people so that each family will be able to afford the life they are searching for.


The vision of The Grace Period is to work closely with families on development goals and successfully move them from being unsheltered into stable, permanent, safe, and affordable housing. Permanent housing changes the trajectory of their lives and the lives of their children. 

A Case Study

What is hotel poor?



Sara Chandler

Co-founder and Executive Director

Sara drives the organization forward and fulfills the Treasurer function, managing and overseeing the financial affairs (including investments, annual budgets and annual reports).  “As a kid, I had two hard-working parents who struggled financially. We didn’t know how to access available resources. As I grew up, I realized that we weren't the only ones going through this. I was the girl who had the open house friends who were homeless or who didn't have food or electricity in their house. I started The Grace Period for parents like mine, for families - like my friends’ families - who just need a little help to get through a hard time. The Grace Period aids in creating self-sufficiency in a society that doesn’t always understand the impact of circumstances that are beyond one’s control. The Grace Period could have helped my parents get their family to a more stable place.”


Amie Littrell

Founder and Spiritual Director

Amie provides spiritual guidance and leads a 12-week course on Spiritual Faith. Amie has a Master of Divinity and is an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church. She has served in local mission departments at churches as a staff person and volunteer for many years. “I founded The Grace Period because I believe in second chances. I believe that everyone ought to have access to adequate housing and fulfillment of basic survival needs. When we, as Christians, pray the prayer every week ‘your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven’, we need to be active participants in it.”

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April Keubler

Housing Regulations & Property Advisor

April provides The Grace Period with her expertise in reality.

"T.G.P. has been an impressive organization in what it's trying to do for the community and for the role of changing people's lives. I would love to help be a part of this change in our community. There are way too many people hurting who go unnoticed who need a voice to be heard, a lending hand, and the resources to make a better tomorrow".

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David German

Occupational & Entrepreneurship for the School of Shalom

David will be helping with our occupational classes and when asked his motivation for joining The Grace Period he said, " I have a heart for helping those who want help but don't know how to go about getting it. Families that are stressed out about money and housing have a tendency to tear apart and hopefully this organization can help prevent this from happening for some families."





Appointment Only 10:00AM- 2:00PM





5377 State Hwy.N, Suite 404

Cottleville, MO 63304

© 2023 The Grace Period.   The Grace Period is a  501c Non-Profit Organization. Certificate of Incorporation #N000713363. TAX ID # 84-3776383

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